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|Last updated: 13.02.2023
Praise be to Allah ﷻ, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Blessings and salutations be upon our Master Muhammad ﷺ and upon his noble companions and his progeny.
In order to be a recipient of funding from Supporting Sunni Scholars, it is mandatory for all applicants to agree with and attest to the following points:
1Living, Hearing and Seeing are Divine Attributes that are unlike attributes of anything of anyone in the creation.
2Divine Speech is transcendent from letters and sounds, because they are accidents and Divine Speech is Pre-eternal.
3Such as the Torah and Injil, known as the Old Testament and the New Testament.
4It shall be taken away a short while before the Final Day.
5Such as considering Buddha, Krishna or Guru Nanak as prophets; al-iyadhu billah.
6Sayyiduna Isa was a prophet before RasulAllah ﷺ; he has not yet tasted death and will descend before the Final Hour.
7Kafir, which describes anyone who has disbelieved in one or more of the necessary precepts of religion [daruriyat].
8Shahadah = Profession of Faith; Salat = Prayer; Zakat = Poor due, obligatory charity; Sawm = Fasting in Ramadan; Hajj = Pilgrimage to Makkah if one is able bodied and can afford to undertake the journey.
9Many Sunni Hanbali scholars do not call themselves Maturidi or Ashári, but their beliefs are consistent with Asháris; hence they can be termed as Asháris even if they do not accept the description per se; and this is what we mean when we say that only Ashári-Máturidi are Ahl al-Sunnah.