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Digital Support

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Digital support for scholars in a modern age

On a global scale, a total of 5.16 billion people are internet users which equate to 64.4% of the world’s population. 58% of those internet users between ages 16-64 have ownership of a laptop or desktop, while 95.9% own a smart phone. From all the data in world, 90% was generated in the previous two years - the relevance of technology today is more than it ever has been.

We live in a technological age where there are thousands of resources online, to access this and reap its benefit a modern computer or laptop are required. These devices are pricey as a one-off cost, with the rising cost of living making savings difficult, purchasing a state of art device is not on the forefront of one's mind.


Supporting Sunni Scholars would like our scholars to have greater access to the online platform but also have a device where notes and presentations can be created and stored. “Digital Support” is a campaign established to provide these essential resources for the dissemination of Islamic knowledge. Eleven high-specification laptops have already been supplied to scholars in the UK and abroad.

Additionally, grants can be supplied for the purchase of camcorders and relevant accessories to develop an online video-based platform that can assist in teaching and learning efforts.


Help Supporting Sunni Scholars by donating as much or as little as you can, one-off or regularly. Money will contribute towards purchase of a laptop or donors can donate a laptop themselves – we do not accept second hand devices – refurbished devices with warranties are accepted.

The beloved Prophet ﷺ stated regarding charity, "The believer's shade on the day of resurrection will be his charity."

Where your money goes:

  • £75 - Contribution to a good-specification laptop
  • £150 - Contribution to a high-specification laptop
  • £200 - Cost of video-recording accessories: tripod, mic and lighting
  • £500 - One-off cost for a good-specification laptop
  • £700 - Purchase of a high-quality 4k camcorder

Are you a scholar in need of digital support? Any scholar who is recipient of digital support from Supporting Sunni Scholars must be active in one (or more) fields of work, such as; teaching, writing, lecturing, leading daily prayers and counselling. 

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