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Anas b. Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said,

Seek knowledge, even as far away as China. The acquisition of knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim. ”

The words of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ echoed throughout history and kindled a burning desire for Muslims to reach unprecedented heights. This Prophetic directive gave birth to many great discoveries which mankind benefits from till today, such as the analytical Hadith sciences to the invention of the astrolabe. And the golden tradition of seeking knowledge still lives today. Those who we see as scholars today were once students themselves who endured years of arduous studying and learning.

Living in a society engulfed in ills, it is essential that generations of scholars are being continuously produced to tackle the plethora of issues out there. From the spread of atheism and unbelief to the widespread dissemination of ignorance and transgressions, the vanguard must be trained and subsequently summoned to neutralise these potential threats to our faith. This can only be achieved by fostering environments and cultures of education and learning.


For the purpose of Supporting Sunni Scholars’ scope of work, a student is defined as any person enrolled to a reputable Sunni institute/madrassa for a Dars-i-Nizami/Shahada al-Alimiyya course.


Are you a student in need of funding? Any student who is recipient of financial support from Supporting Sunni Scholars must be enrolled to a reputable Sunni institute/madrassa for a Dars-i-Nizami/Shahada al-Alimiyya course. 


By donating to Supporting Sunni Scholars, we aim to financially aid and assist students through numerous avenues.

Primarily, we aim to provide grants to students covering the cost of:

Tuition Fees
Book Costs

Additionally, we endeavour to support educational institutes themselves by providing funding to organise in their respective institutes educational programmes, such as reading clubs, writing workshops, and further initiatives.


Help Supporting Sunni Scholars by donating as much or as little as you can, one-off or regularly. Support a student on their journey today and reap the rewards.

The beloved Prophet ﷺ stated regarding charity,

"The believer's shade on the day of resurrection will be his charity."

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Students And Organisations

Existing students and organisations can apply for access to our funding scheme here. Apply for funding now ->